Symposium FAQs

What are the different types of sessions expected at this virtual event?
There will be several session formats throughout the symposium: Main Stage, oral (“podium”) presentation, panel discussion, roundtable discussion, and poster exhibits. There are also opportunities for networking and social presence throughout the conference.

Can I read the abstracts before I register? The abstracts for the accepted sessions can be accessed by clicking the “Abstracts” link or by visiting the conference website.

What is the Main Stage? Symposium kick-off, announcements, and introduction of new Trustees and officers will be held synchronously using the Main Stage links from the conference site.

How do you do a poster presentation at a virtual conference? Poster presenters will provide a PDF version of their poster and a brief audio clip highlighting key points. Conference participants will be able to view the posters by visiting that link throughout the Symposium, and a live Q&A session with poster presenters will be held on Friday. Attendees are encouraged to view the posters prior to Friday’s live session to make the best use of time during the live Q&A.

What is the format of the oral (“podium”) presentation sessions? Breakout sessions for podium presentations will consist of 2 presenters in each session, each allotted approximately 25 minutes. The presenters will have the maximum time allotted to use in the way they wish but are encouraged to leave time for questions.

What is a panel discussion? A panel discussion is a session facilitated by a Moderator, who guides the panel and the attendees through the topic. The panel is composed of three or four participants sharing facts, offering opinions and responding to questions curated by the moderator and/or taken from the attendees directly. There will be a two-part panel event on Thursday, June 24th.

What is a roundtable session? Roundtable presentations are an ideal forum for giving and receiving targeted feedback, engaging in in-depth discussions, and meeting colleagues with similar interests. These sessions allow for extended discussion among a small group on a topic of shared interest. Roundtable sessions allow the presenters to share their knowledge about an area of expertise while soliciting input from like-minded professionals. These sessions are designed to engage participants in discussion and are expected to be highly interactive.

What are the opportunities for networking and social engagement? Several “Lounge Areas” have been set up at various times throughout the conference to encourage interaction and networking.