Neuman Systems Model Bibliography
Citations compiled by Jacqueline Fawcett (January 2018)
Primary Sources
Fawcett, J. (2001). The nurse theorists: 21st century updates—Betty Neuman. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14, 211-214.
Hinton Walker, P., & Neuman, B. (Eds.). (1996). Blueprint for use of nursing models. New York: NLN Press.
Huch, M.H. (1991). Perspectives on health. Nursing Science Quarterly, 4, 33–40.
Neuman, B. (1974). The Betty Neuman Health‑Care Systems Model: A total person approach to patient problems. In J.P. Riehl & C. Roy (Eds.), Conceptual models for nursing practice (pp. 99–114). New York: Appleton-Century‑Crofts.
Neuman, B. (1980). The Betty Neuman Health‑Care Systems Model: A total person approach to patient problems. In J.P. Riehl & C. Roy (Eds.), Conceptual models for nursing practice (2nd ed., pp. 119–134). New York: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
Neuman, B. (1982a). The Neuman health‑care systems model: A total approach to client care. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. 8–29). Norwalk, CT: Appleton-Century‑Crofts.
Neuman, B. (1982b). The Neuman systems model. Application to nursing education and practice. Norwalk, CT: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
Neuman, B. (1982c). The systems concept and nursing. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. 3–7). Norwalk, CT: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
Neuman, B. (1983). Family intervention using the Betty Neuman health care systems model. In I.W. Clements & F.B. Roberts (Eds.), Family health: A theoretical approach to nursing care (pp. 239–254). New York: Wiley.
Neuman B. (1985). The Neuman systems model. Senior Nurse, 5(3), 20–23.
Neuman, B. (1989a). The Neuman nursing process format: Family. In J.P. Riehl-Sisca (Ed.), Conceptual models for nursing practice (3rd ed., pp. 49–62). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Neuman, B. (1989b). In conclusion—In transition. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (2nd ed., pp. 453–470). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Neuman, B. (1989c). The Neuman systems model (2nd ed.). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Neuman, B. (1989d). The Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (2nd ed., pp. 3–63). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Neuman, B. (1990a). The Neuman systems model: A theory for practice. In M.E. Parker (Ed.), Nursing theories in practice (pp. 241–261). New York: National League for Nursing.
Neuman, B. (1990b). Health as a continuum based on the Neuman systems model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 3, 129–135.
Neuman, B. (1995a). The Neuman systems model (3rd ed.). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Neuman, B. (1995b). In conclusion—Toward new beginnings. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 671–703). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Neuman, B. (1995c). The Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 3–61). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Neuman, B. (1996). The Neuman systems model in research and practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 9, 67–70.
Neuman, B. (2002a). Assessment and intervention based on the Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 347-359). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Neuman, B. (2002b). Betty Neuman’s autobiography and chronology of the development and utilization of the Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 325-346). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Neuman, B. (2002c). The future and the Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 319-321). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Neuman, B. (2002d). The Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 3-33). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Neuman, B. (2002e). The Neuman systems model: Definitions. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 322-324). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Neuman, B. (2002f). The Neuman Systems Model Trustees group, Inc. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 360-363). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Neuman, B., Chadwick, P.L., Beynon, C.E., Craig, D.M., Fawcett, J., Chang, N.J., Freese, B.T., & Hinton‑Walker, P. (1997). The Neuman systems model: Reflections and projections. Nursing Science Quarterly, 10, 18–21.
Neuman, B., & Fawcett, J. (Eds.). (2002). The Neuman systems model (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Neuman, B., & Reed, K.S. (2007). A Neuman systems model perspective on nursing in 2050. Nursing Science Quarterly, 20, 111-113.
Neuman, B., & Young, R.J. (1972). A model for teaching total person approach to patient problems. Nursing Research, 21, 264–269.
Commentary: General
Aggleton, P., & Chalmers, H. (1989). Neuman's systems model. Nursing Times, 85(51), 27–29.
Alligood, M.R. (2003). The Neuman systems model: Challenges for the future. Followings: The Research Journal of Palm Beach Atlantic University, 2(1). Available at:
Aylward, P.D. (2001). Betty Neuman: The Neuman systems model and global applications. In M.E. Parker (Ed.), Nursing theories and nursing practice (pp. 329-342). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Aylward, P.D. (2006). Betty Neuman: The Neuman systems model and global applications. In M.E. Parker, Nursing theories and nursing practice (2nd ed., pp. 281-294). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
August-Brady, M. (2000). Prevention as intervention. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31, 1304-1308.
Beckman, S.J., Boxley‑Harges, S., Bruick‑Sorge, C., Harris, S.M., Hermiz, M.E., Meininger, M., & Steinkeler, S.E. (1994). Betty Neuman: Systems model. In A. Marriner‑Tomey (Ed.), Nursing theorists and their work (3rd ed., pp. 269–304). St. Louis: Mosby.
Beebe, L.H. (2003). Theory-based research in schizophrenia. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, 39(2), 67-74.
Biley, F. (1990). The Neuman model: An analysis. Nursing (London), 4(4), 25–28.
Brouse, S.H. (1992). Analysis of nurse theorists’ definition of health for congruence with holism. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 10, 324-336.
Burney, M.A. (1992). King and Newman: In search of the nursing paradigm. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 17, 601–603.
Campbell, V. (1989). The Betty Neuman health care systems model: An analysis (pp. 63–72). In J.P. Riehl‑Sisca (Ed.), Conceptual models for nursing practice (3rd ed., pp. 63–72). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Capers, C.F. (1996). The Neuman systems model: A culturally relevant perspective. Association of Black Nursing Faculty Journal, 7, 113–117.
Christensen, P.J., & Kenney, J.W. (Eds.). Nursing process: Application of conceptual models. St. Louis: Mosby.
Cross, J.R. (1985). Betty Neuman. In J.B. George (Ed.), Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (2nd ed., pp. 258–286). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice‑Hall.
Cross, J.R. (1990). Betty Neuman. In J.B. George (Ed.), Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (3rd ed., pp. 259–278). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Curran, G. (1995a). The Neuman systems model revisited. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 93–99). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Curran, G. (1995b). The spiritual variable: A world view. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 581–589). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Fawcett, J. (1989). Analysis and evaluation of the Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (2nd ed., pp. 65–92). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Fawcett, J. (2004). Conceptual models of nursing: International in scope and substance? The case of the Neuman systems model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 17, 50-54.
Fawcett, J., Carpenito, J.J., Efinger, J., Goldblum‑Graff, D., Groesbeck, M.J.V., Lowry, L.W., McCreary, C.S., & Wolf, Z.R. (1982). A framework for analysis and evaluation of conceptual models of nursing with an analysis and evaluation of the Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. 30–43). Norwalk, CT: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
Forchuk, C. (1991). Reconceptualizing the environment of the individual with a chronic mental illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 12, 159–170.
Freese, B.T. (2002). Betty Neuman: Systems model. In A. Marriner Tomey & M.R. Alligood (Eds.), Nursing theorists and their work (5th ed., pp. 299-335). St. Louis: Mosby.
Freese, B.T. (2006). Betty Neuman: Systems model. In A. Marriner Tomey & M.R. Alligood, Nursing theorists and their work (6thed., pp. 318-354). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
Freese, B., Beckman, S.J., Boxley‑Harges, S., Bruick‑Sorge, C., Harris, S.M., Hermiz, M.E., Meininger, M., & Steinkeler, S.E. (1998). Betty Neuman: Systems model. In A. Marriner Tomey & M.R. Alligood (Eds.), Nursing theorists and their work (4th ed., pp. 267–299). St. Louis: Mosby.
Fulton, R.A.B., & Carson, V. (1995). The spiritual variable: Essential to the client system. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 77–91). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Gehrling, K.R., & Memmott, R.J. (2008). Adversity in the context of the Neuman systems model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 21, 135-137.
George, J.B. (1995). Betty Neuman. In J.B. George (Ed.), Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (4th ed., pp. 251–279). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
George, J.B. (2002). The Neuman systems model: Betty Neuman. In J. B. George (Ed.), Nursing theories: The base for professional nursing practice (5th ed., pp. 339-384). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Günüşen, N.P., Üstün, B., & Gigliotti, E. (2009). Conceptualization of burnout from the perspective of the Neuman systems model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 22,200-204.
Harris, S.M., Hermiz, M.E., Meininger, M., & Steinkeler, S.E. (1989). Betty Neuman: Systems model. In A. Marriner‑Tomey (Ed.), Nursing theorists and their work (2nd ed., pp. 361–388). St. Louis: Mosby.
Hermiz, M.E., & Meininger, M. (1986). Betty Neuman. Systems model. In A. Marriner (Ed.), Nursing theorists and their work (pp. 313–331). St. Louis: Mosby.
Lancaster, D.R. (1996). Neuman's systems model. In J.J. Fitzpatrick &
A.L. Whall (Eds.), Conceptual models of nursing: Analysis and application (3rd ed., pp. 199–223). Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Lancaster, D.R., & Whall, A.L. (1989). The Neuman systems model. In
J.J. Fitzpatrick & A.L. Whall (Eds.), Conceptual models of nursing. Analysis and application (2nd ed., pp. 255–270). Bowie, MD: Brady.
Lowry, L.W., Hinton Walker, P., & Mirenda, R. (1995). Through the looking glass back to the future. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 63–76). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Malinski, V.M. (2002). Developing a nursing perspective on spirituality and healing. Nursing Science Quarterly, 15, 281-287.
Mantle, F. (2001). Complementary therapies and nursing models. Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery, 7, 142-145.
Martsolf, D.S., & Mickley, J.R. (1998). The concept of spirituality in nursing theories: Differing world views and extent of focus. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 27, 294–303.
Meleis, A.I. (1997). Theoretical nursing: Development and progress (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott.
McDowell, B.M., Chang, N.J., & Choi, S.S. (2003). Children’s health retention in South Korea and the United States: A cross-cultural comparison. Journal of Pediatric Nursing , 18, 409-415.
Memmott, R.J., Marett, K.M., Bott, R.L., & Duke, L. (2000). Use of the Neuman systems model for interdisciplinary teams. Online Journal of Rural Nursing and Health Care, 1(2), 9 pages.
Mirenda, R.M., & Wright, C. (1987). Using nursing model to affirm Catholic identity. Health Progress, 68(2), 63–67, 94.
Neuman, B., Aylward, P.D., Beynon, C., Breckenridge, D.M., Fawcett, J., Fields, A., Lowry, L., Memmott, R.J., & Toot, J. (2001). The Neuman systems model: A futuristic care perspective. In N. L. Chaska (Ed.), The nursing profession: Tomorrow and beyond (pp. 321-330). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Neuman, B., Newman, D.M.L., & Holder, P. (2000). Leadership-scholarship integration: Using the Neuman systems model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 13, 60-63.
Newman, D.M.L. (2007). The environmental impact on nursing practice: A conceptual approach. Massachusetts Report on Nursing, 8(1), 20.
Nyeck, V., & Dallaire, C. (2002). Reminiscence: Some significant analyses regarding nursing care. Recherche En Soins Infirmiers, December(71), 6-15. [French; English abstract]
Pilkington, B. F. (2007). Envisioning nursing in 2050 through the eyes of nurse theorists: King, Neuman, and Roy. Nursing Science Quarterly, 20, 108.
Racher, F.E., & Annis, R.C. (2008). Community health action model: Health promotion by the community. Research and Theory for Nursing Practcie, 22, 182-191.
Reed, K.S. (1993). Betty Neuman: The Neuman systems model. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Reed, K.S. (2003). Grief is more than tears. Nursing Science Quarterly, 16, 77-81.
Richmond, J. (1992). The holistic model. Journal of District Nursing, 10(8), 22, 24.
Shamsudin, N. (2002). Can the Neuman systems model be adapted to the Malaysian nursing context? International Journal of Nursing Practice, 8, 99-105.
Silveira, D.T. (2000). Process of work-health-disease intervention based on Betty Neuman systems model. Revista Gaucha de Enfermagem, 21(1), 31-43. [Portuguese; English abstract]
Silveira, D.T. (2001). Consulta-ação: A methodology of action in nursing in the area of the worker’s health. Revista Gaucha de Enfermagem, 22(1), 6-19. [Portuguese; English abstract]
Stevens, B.J. (1982). Forward. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. xiii–xiv). Norwalk, CT: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
Thibodeau, J.A. (1983). Nursing models: Analysis and evaluation. Monterey, CA: Wadsworth.
Torres, G. (1986). Theoretical foundations of nursing. Norwalk, CT: Appleton-Century‑Crofts.
Tourville, C., & Ingalls, K. (2003). The living tree of nursing theories. Nursing Forum, 38(3), 21-30, 36.
Venable, J.F. (1974). The Neuman Health‑Care Systems Model: An analysis. In J.P. Riehl & C. Roy (Eds.), Conceptual models for nursing practice (pp. 115–122). New York: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts. [Reprinted in Riehl, J.P., & Roy, C. (Eds.). (1980). Conceptual models for nursing practice (2nd ed., pp. 135–141). New York: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.]
Villarruel, A.M., Bishop, T.L., Simpson, E.M., Jemmott, L.S., & Fawcett, J. (2001). Borrowed theories, shared theories, and the advancement of nursing knowledge. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14, 158-163. Latham, L. (2002). Letter to the Editor. Nursing Science Quarterly, 15, 264.
Walker, L.O., & Avant, K.C. (1983). Strategies for theory construction in nursing. Norwalk, CT: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
Walker, P.H. (2005). Neuman’s systems model. In J. J. Fitzpatrick & A.L. Whall, Conceptual models of nursing: Analysis and application (4th ed., pp. 194-224). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.
Whall, A.L. (1983). The Betty Neuman Health Care System Model. In J.J. Fitzpatrick & A.L. Whall (Eds.), Conceptual models of nursing. Analysis and application (pp. 203–219). Bowie, MD: Brady.
Wheeler, K. (1989). Self‑psychology's contributions to understanding stress and implications for nursing. Journal of Advanced Medical‑Surgical Nursing, 1(4), 1–10.
Wills, E. (2002). Grand nursing theories based on human needs. In M. McEwen & E. Wills, Theoretical basis for nursing (pp.125-151). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Young, A., Taylor, S.G., & McLaughlin-Renpenning, K. (2001). Connections: Nursing research, theory, and practice. St. Louis: Mosby.
Commentary: Research
Barrett, M. (1991). A thesis is born. Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 23, 261–262.
Breckenridge, D.M. (1995). Nephrology practice and directions for research. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 499–507). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Cooper, S. (2006). Home study program. The effect of preoperative warming on patients’ postoperative temperatures. AORN Journal, 83, 1073-1076, 1079-1088.
Fawcett, J. (1995). Constructing conceptual‑theoretical‑empirical structures for research: Future implications for use of the Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 459–471). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Fawcett, J., & Giangrande, S.K. (2001). Neuman Systems Model-based research: An integrative review project. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14, 231-238.
Fawcett, J., & Giangrande, S.K. (2002). The Neuman systems model and research: An integrative review. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 120-149). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Fawcett, J., & Gigliotti, E. (2001). Using conceptual models of nursing to guide nursing research: The case of the Neuman Systems Model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14, 339-345.
Gigliotti, E. (1997). Use of Neuman's lines of defense and resistance in nursing research: Conceptual and empirical considerations. Nursing Science Quarterly, 10, 136–143.
Gigliotti, E. (2001). Empirical tests of the Neuman systems model: Relational statement analysis. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14, 149-157.
Gigliotti, E. (2003). The Neuman Systems Model Institute: Testing middle-range theories. Nursing Science Quarterly, 16, 201-206.
Malinski, V.M. (2003). Nursing research and nursing conceptual models: Betty Neuman’s systems model. Nursing Science Quarterly, 16, 201.
Gigliotti, E., & Fawcett, J. (2002). The Neuman systems model and research instruments. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 150-175). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Grant, J.S., Kinney, M.R., & Davis, L.L. (1993). Using conceptual frameworks of models to guide nursing research. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 25, 52–56.
Hernandez, J.F., Secrest, J.A., Hill, L., & McClarty, S.J. (2009). Scientific advances in the genetic understanding and diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 24, 19-34.
Hoffman, M.K. (1982). From model to theory construction: An analysis of the Neuman Health‑Care systems model. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. 44–54). Norwalk, CT: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
Louis, M. (1995). The Neuman model in nursing research: An update. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 473–495). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange. Capers, C.F. (1995). Editorial comments. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 496–497). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Louis, M., & Koertvelyessy, A. (1989). The Neuman model in research. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (2nd ed., pp. 93–114). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Louis, M., Neuman, B., & Fawcett, J. (2002). Guidelines for Neuman systems model-based nursing research. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 113-119). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Meleis, A.I. (1995). Theory testing and theory support: Principles, challenges, and sojourn into the future. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 447–457). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Neuman, B., Aylward, P.D., Beynon, C., Breckenridge, D.M., Fawcett, J., Fields, A., Lowry, L., Memmott, R.J., & Toot, J. (2001). The Neuman systems model: A futuristic care perspective. In N. L. Chaska (Ed.), The nursing profession: Tomorrow and beyond (pp. 321-330). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Smith, M.C., & Edgil, A.E. (1995). Future directions for research with the Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 509–517). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Ustün, B., & Gigliotti, E. (2009). Nursing reseach in Turkey. Nursing Science Quarterly, 22, 206-208.
Young, A., Taylor, S.G., & McLaughlin-Renpenning, K. (2001). Connections: Nursing research, theory, and practice. St. Louis: Mosby.
Commentary: Education
Arndt, C. (1982). Systems theory and educational programs for nursing service administration. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. 182–187). Norwalk, CT: Appleton-Century‑Crofts.
Bower, F.L. (1982). Curriculum development and the Neuman Model. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. 94–99). Norwalk, CT: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
Damant, M. (1995). Community nursing in the United Kingdom: A case for reconciliation using the Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 607–620). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Edelman, M., & Lunney, M. (2000). You make the diagnosis: Case study: A diabetic educator’s use of the Neuman systems model. Nursing Diagnosis, 11, 148, 179-182.
Falk-Rafael, A.R., Ward-Griffin, C., Laforet-Fliesser, Y., & Beynon, C. (2004). Teaching nursing students to promote the health of communities; A partnership approach. Nurse Educator, 29(2), 63-67.
Freiburger, O.A. (1998). Overview of strategies that integrate the Neuman systems model, critical thinking, and cooperative learning. In L. Lowry (Ed.), The Neuman systems model and nursing education: Teaching strategies and outcomes (pp. 31–36). Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau International Center Nursing Press.
Gunter, L.M. (1982). Application of the Neuman systems model to gerontic nursing. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. 196–210). Norwalk, CT: Appleton-Century‑Crofts.
Karmels, P. (1993). Conundrum game for nursing theorists: Neuman, King, and Johnson. Nurse Educator, 18(6), 8–9.
Lowry, L. (1998a). Creative teaching and effective evaluation. In L. Lowry (Ed.), The Neuman systems model and nursing education: Teaching strategies and outcomes (pp. 17–29). Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau International Center Nursing Press.
Lowry, L. (1998b). Vision, values, and verities. In L. Lowry (Ed.), The Neuman systems model and nursing education: Teaching strategies and outcomes (pp. 167–174). Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau International Center Nursing Press.
Lowry, L.W. (2002). The Neuman systems model and education: An integrative review. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 216-237). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Lowry, L.W., Burns, C.M., Smith, A.A., & Jacobson, H. (2000). Compete or complement? An interdisciplinary approach to training health professionals. Nursing and Health Care Perspectives, 21, 76-80.
Major, S. (1989). Neuman's systems model and experiential taxonomy. Senior Nurse, 9(6), 25–27.
Meiner, S. (1998). General systems theory. In A.S. Luggen, S.S. Travis, S. Meiner, & National Gerontological Nursing Association Staff (Eds.), NGNA core curriculum for gerontological advance practice nurses (pp. 20–22). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Meyer, T., & Xu, Y. (2005). Academic and clinical dissonance in nursing education: Are we guilty of failure to rescue? Nurse Educator, 30, 76-79.
Moscaritolo, L.M. (2009). Interventional strategies to decrease nursing student anxiety in the clinical learning environment. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(1), 17-23
Neuman, B. (1998). NDs should be future coordinators of health care (Letter to the editor). Image: Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 30, 106.
Neuman, B., Aylward, P.D., Beynon, C., Breckenridge, D.M., Fawcett, J., Fields, A., Lowry, L., Memmott, R.J., & Toot, J. (2001). The Neuman systems model: A futuristic care perspective. In N. L. Chaska (Ed.), The nursing profession: Tomorrow and beyond (pp. 321-330). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Newman, D.M.L., Neuman, B., & Fawcett, J. (2002). Guidelines for Neuman systems model-based education for the health professions. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 193-215). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Newsome, G.G., & Lowry, L. (1998). Evaluation in nursing: History, models, and Neuman's framework. In L. Lowry (Ed.), The Neuman systems model and nursing education: Teaching strategies and outcomes (pp. 37–51). Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau International Center Nursing Press.
Reed, K.S. (2002). The Neuman systems model and educational tools. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (4th ed., pp. 238-243). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Toot, J.L., & Schmoll, B.J. (1995). The Neuman systems model and physical therapy educational curricula. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 231–246). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
Commentary: Administration
Arndt, C. (1982). Systems concepts for management of stress in complex health‑care organizations. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. 97–114). Norwalk, CT: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
Bennett, S., Hulkes, C., Jones, J., Marden, B., Richards, A., Stone, A., Warren, D., & Lawson, L. (1998). Models of care: Developing a trust-wide philosophy. Community Practitioner, 71, 3334, 336.
Bowles, L., Oliver, N., & Stanley, S. (1995). A fresh approach. Nursing Times, 91(1), 40–41.
Fawcett, J., Botter, M.L., Burritt, J., Crossley, J.D., & Fink, B.B. (1989) Conceptual models of nursing and organization theories. In B. Henry, M. DiVincenti, C. Arndt, & A. Marriner (Eds.), Dimensions of nursing administration: Theory, research, education, and practice (pp. 143–154). Boston: Blackwell Scientific.
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Doctoral Dissertations
Allen, G.W. (1998). The effect of fear on myocardial infarction patients in intensive care units. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59, 3343B.
Al‑Nagshabandi, E.A.H. (1994). An exploration of the physical and psychological responses of surgically‑induced menopausal Saudi women using the Neuman systems model. Dissertation Abstracts International, 55, 1374B.
Ark, P.D. (1997). Health risk behaviors and coping strategies of African American sixth graders. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 1205B.
Barnes‑McDowell, B.M. (1997). Home apnea monitoring: Family functioning, concerns, and coping. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 1205B.
Bemker, M.A. (1997). Adolescent female substance abuse: Risk and resiliency factors. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57, 75446B.
Bittinger, J.P. (1996). Case management and satisfaction with nursing care of patients hospitalized with congestive heart failure. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56, 3866B.
Brown, P.S. (2004). Relationships among life event stress, role and job strain, and sleep in middle-aged female shift workers. Dissertation Abstracts International, 65, 1774B.
Buck, G.M.L. (1996). Wellness: Relative importance of physiological health, psychological well-being, family relationships, psychosocial maturity, and spirituality. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57, 3266A.
Burritt, J.E. (1988). The effects of perceived social support on the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction and job performance among registered nurses employed in acute care facilities. Dissertation Abstracts International, 49, 2123B.
Butts, M.J. (1998). Outcomes of comfort touch in institutionalized elderly female residents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59, 3344B.
Cagle, R. (1997). The relationship between health care provider advice and the initiation of breast‑feeding. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57, 4974B.
Cammuso, B.S. (1994). Caring and accountability in nursing practice in Ireland and the United States: Helping Irish nurses bridge the gap when they choose to practice in the United States. Dissertation Abstracts International, 55, 76B.
Capers, C.F. (1987). Perceptions of problematic behavior as held by lay black adults and registered nurses. Dissertation Abstracts International, 47, 4467B.
Casalenuovo, G.A. (2002). Fatigue in diabetes mellitus: Testing a middle-range theory of well-being derived from the Neuman’s theory of optimal client system stability and the Neuman systems model. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63, 2301B.
Chilton, L.L.A. (1997). The influence of behavioral cues on immunization practices of elders. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57, 5572B.
Cobb, R.K. (2008). How well does spirituality predict health status in people living with HIV-disease? Dissertation Abstracts International, 69, 2904B.
Collins, A.S. (1992). Effects of positional changes on selected physiological and psychological measurements in clients with atrial fibrillation. Dissertation Abstracts International, 53, 200B.
Collins, C.R. (1999). The older widow-adult child relationship as an influence upon health promoting behaviors. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60, 1527B.
Cox, D.D. (1996). The impact of stress, coping, constructive thinking and hardiness on health and academic performance of female registered nurse students pursuing a baccalaureate degree in nursing. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57, 237B.
Doherty, D.C. Spousal abuse: An African-American female perspective. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 1798B.
Downing, B.H. (1995). Evaluation of a computer assisted intervention for musculoskeletal discomfort, strength, and flexibility and job satisfaction of video display operators. Dissertation Abstracts International, 55, 3237B.
Dunbar, S.B. (1982). The effect of formal patient education on selected psychological and physiological variables of adaptation after acute myocardial infarction. Dissertation Abstracts International, 43, 1794B.
Epps, C.D. (2001). Predictors of length of stay, discharge disposition, and hospital charges in elders following hip and knee arthroplasty. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63, 3229B.
Flannery, J.C. (1988). Validity and reliability of Levels of Cognitive Functioning Assessment Scale for adults with closed head injuries. Dissertation Abstracts International, 48, 3248B.
Fulton, B.J. (1993). Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Neuman systems model as a theoretical framework for baccalaureate nursing programs. Dissertation Abstracts International, 53, 5641B.
Frederick, A.C. (2003). Violence in the dating experiences of college women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64, 4863B.
Geddes, N.J. (1999). The experience of personal transformation in health touch practitioners: A heuristic inquiry. Dissertations Abstracts International, 60, 2607B.
Geib, K.M. (2004). The relationships among nursing vigilance by nurses, patient satisfaction with nursing vigilance, and patient length of stay in a surgical cardiac care unit. Dissertation Abstracts International,64, 5448B.
Gibson, D.E. (1989). A Q‑analysis of interpersonal trust in the nurse‑client relationship. Dissertation Abstracts International, 50, 493B.
Gibson, M.H. (1996). The quality of life of adult hemodialysis patients. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56, 5416B.
Gigliotti, E. (1997). The relations among maternal and student role involvement, perceived social support and perceived multiple role stress in mothers attending college: A study based on Betty Neuman's systems model. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 135B.
Glazer, G.L. (1985). The relationship between pregnant women's anxiety levels and stressors and their partners' anxiety levels and stressors. Dissertation Abstracts International, 46, 1869B.
Goble, D.S. (1991). A curriculum framework for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52, 2004A.
Hanson, M.J.S. (1996). Beliefs, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and cigarette smoking in White, African‑American, and Puerto Rican–American teenage women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56, 4240B.
Hanson, P.A. (1998). An application of Bowen family systems theory: Triangulation, differentiation of self and nurse manager job stress responses. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 5889B.
Harbin, P.D.O. (1990). A Q‑analysis of the stressors of adult female nursing students enrolled in baccalaureate schools of nursing. Dissertation Abstracts International, 50, 3919B.
Hayes, K.V.D. (1995). Diagnostic content validation and operational definitions of risk factors for the nursing diagnosis high risk for disuse syndrome. Dissertation Abstracts International, 55, 5284B.
Heaman, D.J. (1992). Perceived stressors and coping strategies of parents with developmentally disabled children. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52, 6316B.
Hemphill, J.C. (2006). Discovering strengths of homeless abused women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 66, 3635B.
Henze, R.L. (1994). The relationship among selected stress variables and white blood count in severely head injured patients. Dissertation Abstracts International, 55, 365B.
Herald, P.A. (1994). Relationship between hydration status and renal function in patients receiving aminoglycoside antibiotics. Dissertation Abstracts International, 55, 365B.
Hood, L.J. (1998). The effects of nurse faculty hardiness and sense of coherence on perceived stress, scholarly productivity, and job satisfaction. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 4720B.
Huth, M.M. (2002). Imagery to reduce children’s postoperative pain. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63, 3230B.
James, B.R. (2002). Wellness program influence on health risk factors and medical costs among Seventh-day Adventist workers. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62, 3566B.
Jennings, K. (1998). Predicting intention to obtain a Pap smear among African American and Latina Women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 3557B.
Klainin, P. (2003). Occupational stress, dissatisfaction with family relationships, learned resourcefulness, and women’s health. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63, 3231B.
Lamb, K.A. (1999). Baccalaureate nursing students’ perception of empathy and stress in their interactions with clinical instructors: Testing a theory of optimal student system stability according to the Neuman systems model. Dissertation Abstracts International, 60, 1028B.
Lancaster, D.R.N. (1992). Coping with appraised threat of breast cancer: Primary prevention coping behaviors utilized by women at increased risk. Dissertation Abstracts International, 53, 202B.
Lapvongwatana, P. (2000). Perinatal risk assessment for low birthweight in Thai mothers: Using the Neuman systems model. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61, 1325B.
Lee, F-P. (2005). The relationship of comfort and spirituality to quality of life among long-term care facility residents in southern Taiwan. Dissertation Abstracts International, 66, 815B.
Lee, P.L. (1996). Caregiver stress as experienced by wives of institutionalized and in‑home dementia husbands. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56, 4241B.
Mahon, J.F. (2002). The effect of a dental health education program on the dental health knowledge of inner-city and non-inner-city elementary age children. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62, 3556B.
Marsh, V. (1998). Job stress and burnout among nurses: The mediational effect of spiritual well‑being and hardiness. Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 4142B.
McDaniel, G.M.S. (1990). The effects of two methods of dangling on heart rate and blood pressure in postoperative abdominal hysterectomy patients. Dissertation Abstracts International, 50, 3923B.
Mirenda, R.M. (1996). A conceptual‑theoretical strategy for curriculum development in baccalaureate nursing programs. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56, 5421B.
Monahan, G.L. (1997). A profile of pregnant drug‑using female arrestees in California: The relationships among sociodemographic characteristics, reproductive and drug additional histories, HIV/STD risk behaviors, and utilization of prenatal care services and substance abuse treatment programs. Dissertation Abstracts International, 57, 5576B.
Moody, N.B. (1991). Selected demographic variables, organizational characteristics, role orientation, and job satisfaction among nurse faculty. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52, 1356B.
Moola, S. (2006). Facilitating conscious awareness among critical care nurses. Dissertation Abstracts International, 66, 4155B.
Musgrave, C.F. (2001). Religiosity, spiritual well-being, and attitudes toward spiritual care of Israeli oncology nurses. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61, 5799B.
Norman, S.E. (1991). The relationship between hardiness and sleep disturbances in HIV‑infected men. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51, 4780B.
Norris, E.W. (1990). Physiologic response to exercise in clients with mitral valve prolapse syndrome. Dissertation Abstracts International, 50, 5549B.
Park, J.-h. (2005). Development of instruments to measure Korean-American and Korean children’s emotional reactions to hospitalization. Dissertation Abstracts International, 65, 3386B.
Parodi, V.A. (1998). Neuman based analysis of women's health needs aboard a deployed Navy ship: Can nursing make a difference? Dissertation Abstracts International, 58, 6491B.
Payne, P.L. (1994). A study of the teaching of primary prevention competencies as recommended by the report of the PEW Health Professions Commission in bachelor of science in nursing programs and associate in nursing programs. Dissertation Abstracts International, 54, 3553B.
Peoples, L.T. (1991). The relationship between selected client, provider, and agency variables and the utilization of home care services. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51, 3782B.
Peterson, G.A. (1998). Nursing perceptions of the spiritual dimension of patient care: The Neuman systems model in curricular formations. Dissertation Abstracts International, 59, 605B.
Poe, M.A.H.M. (2003). Predictors of spontaneous lacerations in primigravidae. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63, 4598B.
Poole, V.L. (1992). Pregnancy wantedness, attitude toward pregnancy, and use of alcohol, tobacco, and street drugs during pregnancy. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52, 5193B.
Pothiban, L. (1993). Risk factor prevalence, risk status, and perceived risk for coronary heart disease among Thai elderly. Dissertation Abstracts International, 54, 1337B.
Quinn, A.T. (1992). A hospice death education course: evaluating effectiveness in meeting goals. Dissertation Abstracts International, 53, 728A.
Reeves, A.L., (2005). Childhood experiences of Appalachian women who have experienced intimate partner violence during adulthood. Dissertation Abstracts International, 65, 5076B.
Riley-Lawless, K. (2000). The relationship among characteristics of the family environment and behavioral and physiological cardiovascular risk factors in parents and their adolescent twins. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61, 1328B.
Roberts, M.C. (2002). The relationships among hospital staff nurses’ occupational stress, caring behaviors, and spiritual well-being. Dissertation Abstracts International, 63, 4598B.
Rohr, K.M. (2006). Alcohol use and injury-related outcomes in older rural trauma patients. Dissertation Abstracts International, 67, 4982B.
Rowe, M.L. (1990). The relationship of commitment and social support to the life satisfaction of caregivers to patients with Alzheimer's disease. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51, 1747B.
Rowles, C.J. (1993). The relationship of selected personal and organizational variables and the tenure of directors of nursing in nursing homes. Dissertation Abstracts International, 53, 4593B.
Sabatini, C.L. (2003). The meaning of the lived experience of adolescent pregnancy to women who gave birth during their teens: A phenomenological study. Dissertation Abstracts International, 64, 987B.
Schlosser, S.P. (1985). The effect of anticipatory guidance on mood state in primiparas experiencing unplanned cesarean delivery (metropolitan area, Southeast). Dissertation Abstracts International, 46, 2627B.
Schmidt, C.S. (1983). A comparison of the effectiveness of two nursing models in decreasing depression and increasing life satisfaction of retired individuals. Dissertation Abstracts International, 43, 2856B.
Simpson, E.M. (2001). Condom use among Black women: A theoretical basis for HIV prevention guided by Neuman systems model and theory of planned behavior. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61, 5240B.
Sipple, J.E.A. (1989). A model for curriculum change based on retrospective analysis. Dissertation Abstracts International, 50, 1927A.
South, L.D. (1995). The relationship of self‑concept and social support in school age children with leukemia. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56, 1939B.
Tarmina, M.S. (1992). Self‑selected diet of adult women with families. Dissertation Abstracts International, 53, 777B.
Tennyson, M.G. (1992). Becoming pregnant: Perceptions of black adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52, 5196B.
Terhaar, M.F. (1989). The influence of physiologic stability, behavioral stability and family stability on the preterm infant's length of stay in the neonatal intensive care unit. Dissertation Abstracts International, 50, 1328B.
Thornhill, B.E. (1986). A Q‑analysis of stressors in the primipara during the immediate postpartal period. Dissertation Abstracts International, 47, 135B.
Underwood, P.W. (1986). Psychosocial variables: Their prediction of birth complications and relation to perception of childbirth. Dissertation Abstracts International, 47, 997B.
Vincent, J.L.M. (1988). A Q analysis of the stressors of fathers with an infant in an intensive care unit. Dissertation Abstracts International, 49, 3111B.
Wallom, B.L.L. (2000). Coping behaviors and drug use among fifth- and sixth-grade students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61, 3076A.
Watson, L.A. (1991). Comparison of the effects of usual, support, and informational nursing interventions on the extent to which families of critically ill patients perceived their needs were met. Dissertation Abstracts International, 52, 2999B.
Webb, C.A. (1988). A cross‑sectional study of hope, physical status, cognitions and meaning and purpose of pre‑ and post‑retirement adults. Dissertation Abstracts International, 49, 1922A.
Whatley, J.H. (1989). Effects of health locus of control and social network on risk‑taking in adolescents. Dissertation Abstracts International, 50, 129B.
Williamson, J.W. (1990). The influence of self‑selected monotonous sounds on the night sleep pattern of postoperative open heart surgery patients. Dissertation Abstracts International, 51, 1750B.
Yoder, R.E. (1995). Primary prevention emphasis and self‑reported health behaviors of nursing students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 56, 747B.
Young, L.M. (2000). The effects of guided mental imagery on the blood pressure of clients experiencing mild to moderate essential hypertension. Dissertation Abstracts International, 61, 787B.
Ziemer, M.M. (1982). Providing patients with information prior to surgery and the reported frequency of coping behaviors and development of symptoms following surgery. Dissertation Abstracts International, 43, 2165B.
Master's Theses
Alford, D.L. (1994). Differences in levels of anxiety of spouses of critical care surgical patients when the spouse participates in preoperative care. Master's Abstracts International, 32, 222.
Allen, K.S. (1997). The effect of cancer diagnosis information on the anxiety of patients with an initial diagnosis of first cancer. Master's Abstracts International, 35, 996.
Alliston, S.A. (2003). Neonatal nurses’ attitudes, practices, and knowledge of skin care in the extremely low birth weight infant. Masters Abstracts International, 41, 1704.
Alleyne, A.C. (2008). The effect of malodorous wounds on patients’ families. Masters Abstracts International, 46, 2648.
Alleyne, J.L. (2008). The lived experience: How man and their female partners cope with the impact of localized prostate cancer. Masters Abstracts International, 47, 951.
Anderson, R.R. (1992). Indicators of nutritional status as a predictor of pressure ulcer development in the critically ill adult. Masters Abstracts International, 30, 92.
Annamunthodo Allen, M. (2005). The effects of a prenatal health teaching program. Master’s Abstracts International, 43, 1698.
Averill, J.B. (1989). The impact of primary prevention as an intervention strategy. Masters Abstracts International, 27, 89.
Bagaoisan, C. (2005). Expanding the role of perioperative nursing: An aid to retention and recruitment strategy. Master’s Abstracts International, 43, 820.
Baloush, N.A. (1991). Social support and maternal reaction in Saudi Arabian women with premature births from a Neuman framework. Master's Abstracts International, 29, 432.
Barnes, M.E. (1994). Knowledge, experiences, attitudes, and assessment practices of nurse practitioners with regard to stressors related to childhood sexual abuse. Master's Abstracts International, 32, 223.
Barron, L.A. (1999). Diabetes self-management and psychosocial adjustment. Master’s Abstracts International, 37, 587.
Baskin‑Nedzelski, J. (1992). Job stressors among visiting nurses. Masters Abstracts International, 30, 79.
Baumle, W.M. (1993). A comparison study of the psychological pain response of persons on long‑term intermittent intravenous antibiotic therapy. Master's Abstracts International, 31, 1199.
Besseghini, C. (1990). Stressful life events and angina in individuals undergoing exercise stress testing. Masters Abstracts International, 28, 569.
Bischoff, S.M. (1988). Job stress in nurses working in correctional settings. Master's Abstracts International, 26, 323.
Blount, K.R. (1989). The relationship between the parent's and five to six‑year-old child's perception of life events as stressors within the Neuman health care systems framework. Masters Abstracts International, 27, 487.
Boyes, L.M. (1994). The effects of permanent night shift versus night shift rotation on job performance in the critical care area. Master's Abstracts International, 32, 1366.
Briggs, L.L. (1985). Nursing diagnoses generated from assessment data in a medical or nursing data base. Master's Abstracts International, 23, 470.
Britt, L. (2006). Investigating differences in management of hyperlipidemia: A comparison of nurse practitioners and physicians. Masters Abstracts International, 44, 2760.
Brown, F.A. (1995). The effects of an eight‑hour affective education program on fear of AIDS and homophobia in student nurses. Master's Abstracts International, 33, 1487.
Burnett, A.K. (2006). Stress and coping mechanisms of first year university students. Master’s Abstracts International, 44, 312.
Burnett, H.M. (2000). An exploratory study on the perceived health status changes in criminally victimized older adults. Master’s Abstracts International, 38, 418.
Butch, J.M. (2002). Perception of safety in home care. Master’s Abstracts International, 40, 975.
Cava, M.A. (1991). A descriptive study of the use of coping strategies to promote wellness by individuals who have survived cancer. Master's Abstracts International, 29, 89.
Chun, A.U. (2006). Issues and concerns of transition from a pediatric healthcare facility to an adult healthcare facility for thalassemia patients. Masters Abstracts International, 44, 2273.
Clevenger, M.D. (1995). Nursing activities and patient control. Master's Abstracts International, 33, 1835.
Cole, B.A. (1995). Patient compliance with tuberculosis preventive treatment. Master's Abstracts International, 33, 1835.
Columbus, L.A. (1991). Effectiveness of a health promotion program in improving older women's ability to cope. Master's Abstracts International, 29, 274.
Cotten, N.C. (1993). An interdisciplinary high risk assessment tool for rehabilitation inpatient falls. Master's Abstracts International, 31, 1732.
Cullen, L.M. (1994). Nurses' perceptions of humor as a preventive intervention to promote the health of clients in a health care setting. Master's Abstracts International, 32, 592.
Dash-Martyr, J.M. (2005). Perceptions of the stressors influencing medication compliance of individuals recovering from a mental illness while living in supportive housing. Master’s Abstracts International, 43, 821.
Donner, P.L. (1994). Maternal anxiety related to the care of an infant requiring pharmacological management for apnea of prematurity. Master's Abstracts International, 32, 937.
Elgar, S.J. (1992). The influence of companion animals on perceived social support and perceived stress among family caregivers. Masters Abstracts International, 30, 732.
Ferguson, M.J. (1995). Relationship between quiz game participation and final exam performance for nursing models. Master's Abstracts International, 33, 173.
Fields, W.L. (1988). The effects of the 12‑hour shift on fatigue and critical thinking performance in critical care nurses. Masters Abstracts International, 26, 237.
Fillmore, J.A. (1993). The effects of preoperative teaching on anxiety levels of hysterectomy patients. Master's Abstracts International, 31, 761.
Finney, G.A.H. (1990). Spiritual needs of patients. Masters Abstracts International, 28, 272.
Freund, C.H. (1993). The use of nursing and related theory in school nursing practice. Master's Abstracts International, 31, 271.
Fruehauf, S.L. (2003). Registered nurse first assistants’ perceptions of stress when practicing in operating room settings. Master’s Abstracts International, 41, 1705.
Fukuzawa. M. (1996). Nursing care behaviors which predict patient satisfaction. Master's Abstracts International, 34, 1547.
Gaeta, T.V. (1990). A study to determine client satisfaction with home care services. Master's Abstracts International, 28, 408.
Geiger, P.A. (1996). Participation in a phase II cardiac rehabilitation program and perceived quality of life. Master's Abstracts International, 34, 1548.
Goldstein, L.A. (1988). Needs of spouses of hospitalized cancer patients. Masters Abstracts International, 26, 105.
Good, B.A.V. (1993). Efficacy of nursing intervention as secondary prevention of chronic nonorganic constipation in older adult nursing home residents: A replication study. Master's Abstracts International, 31, 1736.
Gray, R. (1998). The lived experience of children, ages 8–12 years, who witness family violence in the home. Master's Abstracts International, 36, 1327.
Greve, D.L. (1993). An examination of the efficacy of increased fiber and fluids on the establishment of voluntary bowel movements in terminally ill older adults receiving antibiotics. Master's Abstracts International, 31, 1203.
Gulliver, K.M. (1997). Hopelessness and spiritual well‑being in persons with HIV infection. Master's Abstracts International, 35, 1374.
Hansen, C.S. (2001). Is there a relationship between hardiness and burnout in full-time staff nurses versus per diem nurses? Master’s Abstracts International, 39, 193.
Harper, B. (1993). Nurses' beliefs about social support and the effect of nursing care on cardiac clients' attitudes in reducing cardiac risk status. Masters Abstracts International, 31, 273.
Haskill, K.M. (1988). Sources of occupational stress of the community health nurse. Masters Abstracts International, 26, 106.
Higgs, K.T. (1995). Preterm labor risk factors identified in an ambulatory perinatal setting with home uterine activity monitoring support. Master's Abstracts International, 33, 1490.
Holloway, C. (1995). Stress perceived among nurse managers in community health settings. Master's Abstracts International, 33, 1490.
Ivey, B.M. (1994). Social support and the woman with breast cancer: Issues of measurement. Master's Abstracts International, 32, 1628.
Johns, J.R. (2008). Anesthetic use prior to intravenous catheter insertion. Masters Abstracts International, 46, 3236.
Johnson, K.M. (1996). Stressors of local Ontario Nurses' Association presidents. Master's Abstracts International, 34, 1149.
Kazakoff, K.J. (1991). The evaluation of return to work and retention of employment of cardiac patients following cardiac rehabilitation programs. Master's Abstracts International, 29, 450.
Kelleher, J.J. (1991). Health behaviors of HIV positive people. Master's Abstracts International, 29, 645.
Klimek, S.C. (1995). Identification and comparison of factors affecting breast self‑examination between professional nurses and non‑nursing professional women. Master's Abstracts International, 33, 516.
Kristofersdottir, G. (2001). Oncology nurses’ perceived knowledge, assessment, and recommendation of alternative therapies. Masters Abstracts International, 39, 1127.
Larino, E.A. (1997). Determining the level of care provided by the family nurse practitioner during a deployment. Master's Abstracts International, 35, 1376.
LaReau, R.M. (2000). The effect of an initial clinical nursing experience in a nursing home on associate degree nursing student attitudes toward the elderly. Master’s Abstracts International, 38, 420.
Lehman, K.L. (2007). Resilience and depressive symptoms in midlife women. Master’s Abstracts International, 45, 1942.
Lenhart, E.M. (1994). The effect of preoperative intensive care orientation on postoperative anxiety levels in spouses of coronary artery bypass clients. Master's Abstracts International, 32, 1372.
Lesmond, J.S.G. (1993). Clients' perceptions of the effects of social support in their adjustment to breast cancer in a visiting nursing environment in central Ontario, Canada. Master's Abstracts International, 31, 276.
Levi, C. (2001). School nurses’ asthma knowledge and management, roles and functions. Masters Abstracts International, 39, 1558.
Lijauco, C.C. (1998). Factors related to length of stay in coronary artery bypass graft patients. Master's Abstracts International, 36, 512.
Liso, V. (2001). La reminiscence comme strategie d’auto-soin utilsee pur faire face a des stresseurs quotidiens lies a l’arthrose chez la femme agee. Etude de cas basee sur le modele de Neuman [French]. Master’s Abstracts International, 39, 195.
Lunario, R.A. (2004). The relationship between frequent suctioning and the risk of VAP. Master’s Abstracts International, 42, 1682.
MacRae, E.R. (2001). Workplace health promotion and wellness programs: Their nature and scope. Masters Abstracts International, 39, 1128.
Maligalig, R.M.L. (1994). Parents' perceptions of the stressors of pediatric ambulatory surgery. Master's Abstracts International, 32, 597.
Mann, N.J. (1996). Risk behavior of adolescents who have liver disease. Master's Abstracts International, 34, 1150.
Mannina, J.M. (1995). The use of puretone audiometry and tympanometry to identify hearing loss and middle ear disease in school age children. Master's Abstracts International, 33, 1823.
Marini, S.L. (1991). A comparison of predictive validity of the Norton scale, the Daly scale, and the Braden scale. Master's Abstracts International, 29, 648.
Marlett, L.A. (1999). The breast feeding practices of women with a history of breast cancer. Master’s Abstracts International, 37, 1180.
McCarthy, S.P. (2004). Prevalence of stressors related to substance use and abuse in a gay male sample. Master’s Abstracts International, 42, 1683.
McCue, M.M. (1991). The caregiving experience of the elderly female caregiver of a spouse impaired by stroke. Master's Abstracts International, 29, 218.
McMillan, D.E. (1997). Impact of therapeutic support of inherent coping strategies on chronic low back pain: A nursing intervention study. Master's Abstracts International, 35, 520.
Meisberger, R.J. (2007). Assessment of early goal directed therapy in the adult septic patient. Master’s Abstracts International, 68, 1459.
Micevski, V. (1997). Gender differences in the presentation of physiological symptoms of myocardial infarction. Master's Abstracts International, 35, 520.
Miller, C.A. (1988). Effects of support on the level of anxiety for family members and/or significant others of emergency room patients. Master's Abstracts International, 26, 177.
Morris, D.C. (1991). Occupational stress among home care first line managers. Masters Abstracts International, 29, 443.
Morrison, L.A. (1993). Palliative care volunteers' descriptions of the stressors experienced in their relationship with clients coping with terminal illness at home. Master's Abstracts International, 31, 301.
Moynihan, B.A. (1995). A descriptive study of three male adolescent sex offenders. Master's Abstracts International, 33, 873.
Murphy, N.G. (1990). Factors associated with breastfeeding success and failure: A systematic integrative review (Infant nutrition). Masters Abstracts International, 28, 275.
Murray, M.M. (1994). Relationships among the frequency of pressure ulcer risk assessment, nursing, interventions, and the occurrence and severity of pressure ulcers. Master's Abstracts International, 32, 1630.
Neabel, B. (1999). A comparison of family needs perceived by nurses and family members of acutely ill brain-injured patients. Master’s Abstracts International, 37, 592.
Newman, S.K. (1995). Perceived stressors between partnered and unpartnered women. Master's Abstracts International, 33, 178.
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Research Instruments, Practice Tools, and Educational Tools
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McInerney, K.A. (1982). The Neuman systems model applied to critical care nursing of cardiac surgery clients. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. 308–315). Norwalk, CT: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
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Mynatt, S.L., & O'Brien, J. (1993). A partnership to prevent chemical dependency in nursing using Neuman's systems model. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 31(4), 27–34.
Narsavage, G.L. (1997). Promoting function in clients with chronic lung disease by increasing their perception of control. Holistic Nursing Practice, 12(1), 17–26.
Neal, M.C. (1982). Nursing care plans and the Neuman systems model: II. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model: Application to nursing education and practice (pp. 85–93). Norwalk, CT: Appleton‑Century‑Crofts.
Neuman, B. (1983). The family experiencing emotional crisis. Analysis and application of Neuman's health care systems model. In I.W. Clements & F.B. Roberts, Family health: A theoretical approach to nursing care (pp. 353–367). New York: Wiley.
Newman, D.M.L. (2005). Complex patient needs? Nursing models can help! Journal of Christian Nursing, 22, 33-37.
Orr, J.P. (1993). An adaptation of the Neuman systems model to the care of the hospitalized preschool child. Curationis, 16(3), 37–44.
Owens, M. (1995). Care of a woman with Down's syndrome using the Neuman systems model. British Journal of Nursing, 4, 752–758.
Piazza, D., Foote, A., Wright, P., & Holcombe, J. (1992). Neuman systems model used as a guide for the nursing care of an 8‑year‑old child with leukemia. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 9(1), 17–24.
Picton, C.E. (1995). An exploration of family‑centered care in Neuman's model with regard to the care of the critically ill adult in an accident and emergency setting. Accident and Emergency Nursing, 3(1), 33–37.
Pierce, J.D., & Hutton, E. (1992). Applying the new concepts of the Neuman systems model. Nursing Forum, 27, 15–18.
Poole, V.L., & Flowers, J.S. (1995). Care management of pregnant substance abusers using the Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman, The Neuman systems model (3rd ed., pp. 377–386). Norwalk, CT: Appleton & Lange.
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Ume-Nwagbo, P.N., DeWan, S.A., & Lowry, L.W. (2006). Using the Neuman systems model for best practices. Nursing Science Quarterly, 19, 31-35.
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Weinberger, S.L. (1991). Analysis of a clinical situation using the Neuman System Model. Rehabilitation Nursing, 16, 278, 280–281.
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July 2010 Update
Primary Sources
Neuman, B., & Fawcett, J. (Eds.). (2011). The Neuman systems model (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Neuman, B. (2011). The Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 1-33). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Neuman, B., & Lowry, L. (2011). The Neuman Systems Model and the future. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 317-324). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Commentary: General
DeKuiper, M. (2011). The created environment. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 100-104). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Freese, B.T., & Lawson, T.G. (2011). Betty Neuman: Systems model. In M.R. Alligood & A. Marriner Tomey, Nursing theorists and their work (7th ed., pp. 309-334). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
Freiburger, O.A. (2011). Critical thinking. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 105-114). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Gehrling, K.R. (2011). Reconstitution. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 89-99). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Moorman, S. (2010). Surviving life-threatening illness: Keys to optimal nursing care. Journal of Christian Nursing, 27, 18-26.
Commentary: Research
Gigliotti, E. (2011). Deriving middle-range theories from the Neuman Systems Model. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 283-298). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Louis, M., Gigliotti, E., Neuman, B., & Fawcett, J. (2011). Neuman Systems Model-based research: Guidelines and research instruments. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 160-174). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Kolcaba, K., & Kolcaba, R. (2011). Linking middle-range theories with the Neuman Systems Model. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 299-313). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Commentary: Education
Newman, D.M.L., Gehring, K.R., Lowry, L., Taylor, R., Neuman, B., & Fawcett, J. (2011). Neuman Systems Model-based education for the health professions: Guidelines and educational tools. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 117-135). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Commentary: Administration
Shambaugh, B.F., Neuman, B., & Fawcett, J. (2011). Guidelines for Neuman Systems Model-Based administration of health care services. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 153-159). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Commentary: Practice
Breckenridge, D.M. (2011). The Neuman Systems Model and evidence-based nursing practice. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 245-252). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Freese, B.T., Russell, J., Neuman, B., & Fawcett, J. (2011). Neuman Systems Model-based practice: Guidelines and practice tools. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 136-152). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Jajic, A., Andrews, H., & Winson Jones, C., (2011). The client system as family, group, or community. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 70-88). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Tarko, M., & Helewka, A. (2011). The client system as an individual. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 37-69). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Descriptive Studies
Salmon, B., Bruick-Sorge, C., Beckman, S.J., & Boxley-Harges, S. (2010). The evolution of student nurses’ concepts of spirituality. Holistic Nursing Practice, 24(2), 73-76.
[Description of spirituality; Nursing students]
Doctoral Dissertations
Au, T-Y. (2010). Perceived stress, spirituality, resourcefulness and sexuality in patients with rectal cancer undergoing cancer treatment. Dissertation Abstracts International, 71B(02).
Chaponniere, P.A. (2010). Acculturation, pregnancy-related stress and birth outcomes in Mexican and Mexican-American women. Dissertation Abstracts International, 71B(04).
Maloney, L.R. (2009). Loneliness, self-esteem, cognition, physical functioning, and nursing home satisfaction as predictors of depression. Dissertation Abstracts International, 70, 2835B.
Roe, D.C. (2009). The relationship between pre-licensure baccalaureate nursing students’ stress and their perceptions of clinical nurse educator caring. Dissertation Abstracts International, 70B(03).
Master's Theses
Bolton, J.H. (2009). The experience of persons diagnosed with tuberculosis ina developing country. Masters Abstracts International, 47(05).
Clem, D.M. (2010). Peripherally inserted cental [sic] catheters (PICCs) and neonatal sepsis. Masters Abstracts International, 48(04)
Short, K. (2009). Occupational attitudes in anesthesia. Masters Abstracts International, 47(06).
Burns, M.A. (2011). Nursing education at Loma Linda University. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 177-181). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
[Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA]
Cammuso, B., Audrey Silveri, A., & Remijan, P. (2011). Nursing education at Anna Maria College. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 182-193). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
[Anna Maria College, Paxton, MA]
Beckman, S., Lowry, L., & Boxley-Harges, S. (2011). Nursing education at Indiana University/Purdue University Fort Wayne. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 194-215). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
[Indiana University/Purdue University Fort Wayne, IN]
Tarko, M., & Helewka, A. (2011). Psychiatric nursing education at Douglas College. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 216-220). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
[Douglas College, British Colombia, Canada]
Toto, D.L., Peters. A.B., Blackman, B.J., & Hoch, C.R. (2009). Bridging the gap: Answering the need for nursing faculty. Teaching and Learning in Nursing, 4, 109-114.
[Delaware Technical and Community College, Stanton Campus, Newark, DE—Associate Degree program]
Merks, A., van Tilburg, C., & Lowry, L. (2011). Excellence in practice. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 253-264). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Burnett, H.M., & Crisanti, K.J. (2011). Nursing services at Allegiance Health. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 267-275). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Kinder, L., Napier, D., Rubertino, M., Surace, A., & Burkholder, J. (2011). Utilizing the Neuman Systems Model to maintain and enhance the health of a nursing service: Riverside Methodist Hospital. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 276-280). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Geib, K.M. (2010). Neuman’s systems model in nursing practice. In M.R. Alligood, Nursing theory: Utilization and application (4th ed., pp. 235-260). St. Louis: Mosby Elsevier.
[A 29-year-old woman with cervical cancer; A 76-year-old woman living in a retirement community]
Groesbeck, M.J. (2011). Reflections on Neuman Systems Model-based advanced psychiatric nursing practice. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 237-244). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Hsuan, C. (2009). Hospice care nursing experience related to a patient with terminal stage liver cancer. Journal of Nursing, 56(5), 98-104. [Chinese; English abstract]
[Application of Neuman’s Systems Model; Patient with terminal stage liver cancer]
McDowell, B. (2011). Using the Neuman Systems Model to Guide pediatric nursing practice. In B. Neuman & J. Fawcett (Eds.), The Neuman systems model (pp. 223-236). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
March 2011 Update
Commentary: General
Alyward, P.D. (2010). Betty Neuman’s systems model. . In M. E. Parker & M.C. Smith, Nursing theories and nursing practice (3rd ed., pp. 182-201). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis.
Commentary: Practice
Fawcett, J., McDowell, B., & Newman, D.M.L. (2010). JAN Forum: A context and structure for clinical reasoning. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 66, 2839-2840.
Descriptive Studies
Alves, P.C., Mourão, C.M.L., Galvão, M.T.G., Fernandes, A.F.C., & Caetano, J.A. (2010). Application of Neuman nursing process after mastectomy: A qualitative study. Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing, 9(1), 19. [Portuguese; English abstract]
Correlational Studies
Mahan, P.L., Mahan, M.P., Park, N., Shelton, C., Brown, K.C., & Weaver, M.T. (2010). Work environment stressors, social support, anxiety, and depression among secondary school teachers. AAOHN Journal, 58, 197-205.
Yarcheski, T.J., Mahon, N.E., Yarcheski, A., & Hanks, M.M. (2010). Perceived stress and wellness in early adolescents using the Neuman Systems Model. Journal of School Nursing, 26, 230-237.
Experimental Studies
Günüşen, N.P., & Ǖstün, B. (2010). An RCT of coping and support groups to reduce burnout among nurses. International Nursing Review, 57, 485-492.
Walton, M. (2009). Immediate effects of effleurage back massage on physiological and psychological relaxation. Nursing Journal of India, 100, 230-232.
Doctoral Dissertations
Brown, P.S. (2004). Relationships among life event stress, role and job strain, and sleep in middle-aged female shift workers. Dissertation Abstracts International, 65, 1774B.
Wang, S., & Lai, C. (2010). Applying Neuman’s systems model to a neuroleptic malignant syndrome psychiatric patient and his caregiver. Journal of Nursing, 57(2, Supplement), 9-15. [Chinese; English abstract]