Neuman Systems Model, Inc.

The Neuman Systems Model is a unique, open systems-based perspective that provides a unifying focus of approaching a wide range of international health concerns. Being universal in nature, the Model is open to creative interpretation and is widely used throughout the world as a multi-disciplinary, holistic, and comprehensive structure as a guide for excellence in nursing practice, education, research, and administration. Its concepts, processes, and theoretical base are relevant to future global emerging health care trends and issues.
The 2017 book, Neuman Systems Model: Celebrating Academic-Practice Partnerships, co-edited by trustees Sarah Beckman and Jacqueline Fawcett, demonstrates the continued international popularity, validity, and comprehensiveness of the Neuman work. The Model provides a holistic, global, culturally relevant perspective for inter-disciplinary health care. I wish to thank the Neuman Trustees and healthcare colleagues who increasingly demonstrate its value in global applications.
- Betty Neuman, 2017
Board of Directors, 2023-2025
Betsy McDowell
Vice President
DeLyndia Green-Laughlin
Anneke de Jong
Sarah Beckman